Prem Rawat - Excerpts from Talks Worldwide...

Welcome this magic in your life.

With open arms.

And say, "Yes, I want to embrace
this beauty that I have been given."


The master talks, we listen -
and something awakens.

Something feels good, something can dance.


"I will listen to you, because, no one in my life
has told me what you tell me.... "

Prem Rawat speaks to audiences worldwide...


Picture of Prem Rawat

You bring me hope, you bring me a promise.

You bring me a message that brings light to my life.


Listen to what that master says.

Let the bridges be built across those chasms that seem so unreachable. Then, the real magic of this life will come alive for you.

Prem Rawat speaks of Knowledge & Inner Peace


When human beings assemble for the celebration of that one thing - that one joy, that one beauty - then I want to be there.

Because to me, it is the most profound thing on the face of this earth.

And when people come to celebrate that joy, it leaves me... breathless. Because I know that that is something that is so real.



The commitment, that somebody has to make, to come and listen: to them I speak.

To those who are interested in this life - to them I want to talk - I have something to say.

Those who want to aspire to be fulfilled, I have a message for you.



Those who want to listen to their hearts, then, I will sing you a beautiful song.


This life, this time - to be shown, to be willing to see.

And if there is somebody willing to show and there is somebody willing to see - magic happens.

Magic happens.


This is where - not the birds - not the butterflies are set free, but this is where human beings are set free.

This is where the wingless fly.


And so is the magic of this beautiful, wonderful world of Knowledge.

This is where the living are taught about life.


During the last thirty years, Prem Rawat has addressed more than hundreds of millions of people around the world. Currently, his message is made available in over 80 countries From Russian to Chinese, Japanese to Tamil, Greek to Finnish. Materials produced by the Prem Rawat Foundation are translated into more than 60 languages, making the timeless message of peace possible for all of humanity.