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Prem Rawat Delivers Keynote Address at Rotary International

Malmö, Sweden July 7, 2006— Responding to an invitation from Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar, President of Rotary International Worldwide, Prem Rawat delivered the keynote address at the Pre-Convention Meeting of Rotaract on June 9th. The event was attended by delegates from 40 countries, representing more than 184,000 members in 8,000 clubs in 139 countries. Rotaract is Rotary Club’s division for people 18 to 30.

Rotaract Clubs are part of a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world. This effort starts at the community level, yet knows no limits in its outreach. “I commend you for your noble gesture to accomplish what you have set out to accomplish,” Prem Rawat said. “By the same token, I also invite you to take a peek inside to know what this existence is all about. Be who you are. Be fulfilled every day so you can fulfill others. Be fulfilled every day so you can fulfill the responsibilities that are ahead of you. It all begins with you. “Understand that if you don’t feel peace, you may not be able to give it to anyone. If you want to quench the thirst of another, the least you need is water. Without water, you cannot quench somebody else’s thirst. The water of peace flows within you. I’m not talking about creating something, but about discovering what already exists inside of you.”

For Dr. Charles Grant, Chairman of the Rotary International Rotaract Committee 2005-06, “Prem Rawat’s address was very interesting and informative. His universal message is applicable to all mankind.” Timothy Arensbach, President of International Rotaract Club, Copenhagen, found Prem Rawat’s message “very exciting. He has really given me something to think about.” Introducing Prem Rawat, June Webber, Chairman of Rotary International Rotaract Committee 2006-07, commented, “It is fitting today that he would address our audience. We live in a frenetic society. There is little time for silence. We are on communication overload. We need to go within. We need to find the peace that is there within ourselves.”

Rotary International is made up of 1.2 million business and professional leaders in more than 165 countries and aims to advance international understanding, goodwill, and peace. Rotarians often refer to the noble theme, “Service Above Self.” Since he was a child, Prem Rawat, known also as Maharaji, has been inspiring people to find a place of peace within. Traveling extensively from the age of 13, he has shared this message with millions of people in more than 50 countries. Through The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), a non-profit organization that disseminates his message in a variety of media, Prem Rawat spearheads a number of initiatives to improve the quality of life of the displaced and disadvantaged.

Last year, TPRF worked with the UN World Food Programme, the world’s largest food-aid organization, to provide aid in Niger, Indonesia, Guatemala, and Sri Lanka. It also funded relief efforts for victims of the earthquake in Pakistan, mudslides in the Philippines, and Hurricane Katrina in the US. The Foundation recently opened a permanent food-aid facility in northeastern India, where 45,000 free, hot meals are provided each day to children and adults in need. An excerpt of Prem Rawat’s address at this event is available at: https://tprf.org/Rotaract To discover more about Prem Rawat, his message of peace, and the humanitarian projects of The Prem Rawat Foundation: https://tprf.org/humanitarian_initiatives

To discover more:  TPRF.ORG   Source: The Prem Rawat Foundation (310) 392-5700